The Radical:

sun rise    477

Explanation Please be aware that this very similar radical stands for the sunset. This appears strange, but seems to be fact-based due to: sunset and morning .

Used in these Kanji:
JLPT 4Joyo 1
early, fast
Sunrise (= The sun above the horizon ) with a marking
When the (rising) sun is at the marked spot at the horizon, it is still early.
JLPT 4Joyo 2
asa, CHŌ
Left: sunrise (The sun rises between plants ), right: moon
At sunrise, the moon is still there: It is morning.
JLPT 1Joyo 5
tree trunk, main (part)
miki, KAN
Left: sunrise (The sun rises between plants .), right: person and: dry (image of drying stand/rack)
At rising sun a person is drying the trunk of a tree.
JLPT 2Joyo 7
dry, to dry
kawaku, KAN
Left: sunrise (sun rises between plants ), right: horizontal person , odd/2nd: (two , written quickly, without pen's lifting)
By the sunrise the two odd persons get dry.
JLPT -Joyo 7
Left: sunrise (sun , var. of plant [sun rises between plants], this means east of China, (=the middle kindom) where the characters were developed, right: averted from the center (var. of 5 , center , 5 (upside down)= twice five averted from center
Towards the rising sun (= in the east of China) and a bit averted: Korea.
JLPT -Joyo 7
ridicule, scoff, sneer
azakeru, CHŪ
Left: mouth , right: morning (= sunrise [= sun rises between plants ] and the moon is still there.)
This mouth early in the morning cannot but ridicule sneer.

Similar Radicals (either meaning or appearance)

List of the characters | List of the radials

To the Trainer