The Radical:

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Explanation This character appears like the left half of mortar , which shows hands E,ヨ pressing from both sides.

Used in these Kanji:
JLPT 3Joyo 4
stamp, seal, sign, mark
shirushi, IN
Left: hand press (like i.e. at mortar ), right: bent person
Under the press the bent person is stamped.
JLPT 1Joyo 5
interest, entertain, raise, retrieve
okosu, KYŌ, KŌ
Left and right: pressing hands , ヨ like a mortar , center: same [= All containers have only one opening and that is the same.], below: table Here: seen as two turned hands grasping upwards 屮 from below. Thus four hands are shown.
All four hands have the same interest.
JLPT 2Joyo 6
step, paragraph, column
Left: cliff (with stairs), right: weapon 几 (battle axe) in a hand
At the cliff is a staircase, where a hand with a weapon made the steps.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
leisure, spare time
hima, KA
Left: day , center: var. of door (with stairs ), right: tool コ, hand
(DIY = Home improvement as a hobby:) The day when I repair the door and the stairs with a tool in my hand is my leisure.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
kitaeru, TAN
Left: metal , right: steps (In the cliff a weapon 几 in a hand made stairs )
The metal for the stairs was forged.
JLPT -Joyo 7
usu, KYŪ
An image that expresses "to press", with hands from left 'E' and right 'ヨ' - (cf. , etc.)
It works like a double press: the mortar.

Similar Radicals (either meaning or appearance)

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List of the characters | List of the radials

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