The Japanese Radical: 鬼
Meaning |
devil 鬼
Explanation |
devil 鬼 (from top: death mask [mark ノ, field 田], legs 儿, nose ム).
Used in these characters:
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| lump, clod, mass, chunk
katamari, KAI
Left: earth 土, right: devil 鬼 (= death mask [mark ノ, field 田] with legs 儿 and nose ム)
The earth is for the devil just a lump. |
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| devil, demon
oni, KI
From top: death mask (accent ノ and field 田), legs 儿, nose ム
The dead mask with legs and nose looks like a devil. |
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| soul, spirit
tama, tamashii, KON
Left: fog/mist 云 (cf. cloud 雲), right: devil 鬼 (= death mask [mark ノ, field 田] with legs 儿 and nose ム)
Like a fog, the devil comes into my soul. |
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| ugly, dishonorable, shameful, bad looking
minikui, SHŪ
Left: wine mug 酉, right: devil 鬼 (= death mask [mark ノ, field 田] with legs 儿 and nose ム)
A winemug and the devil: how ugly! |
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| demon, devil
Outside and top: hemp 麻 (Protected in the building 广 is a whole forest 林 of hemp.), below: devil 鬼 (= death mask [mark ノ, field 田] with legs 儿 and nose ム)
Hemp is a devil: like a demon. |
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| fascination, bewitched, charm
Left: demon 鬼 (= death mask [mark ノ, field 田] with legs 儿 and nose ム), right: immature, not yet 未 (The upper branch of the tree 木 is still shorter = immature)
The devil has not yet fascinated me. |
Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning. | |
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