The Japanese Radical: 見

to see    見

Explanation The wandering eye on legs means to see.

Used in these characters:
JLPT 5Joyo 1
watch, see, look, show
miru, KEN
Top: eye , bottom: legs
When the eye is wandering (roaming), it is called: to watch/see.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
parents, intimate
oya, shitashii, SHIN
Left: to stand , tree , right: to see (= The eye is on legs when looking around.)
Who is standing on a tree and is watching out (for the kids)? - The parents!  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
remember, memorize, wake up
oboeru, sameru, KAKU
From top: light rays a cover (here both: crown ), watch/see (= The eye is on legs when looking around.).
It is the "crown" on what you saw, if you can remember when waking up.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
observe, appearance, view, the look
Left: The bird with a bird's comb and cover ( and ) is understood as a proud cock/rooster; right: see/watch (= The eye is on legs when looking around)
The proud cock sees, that he is observed because of his appearance.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
regulation, standard, measure
Left: husband (= big person with extra-caring arms ), right: see/look (= The eye is on legs when looking around.)
The husband looks after the regulations.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
present, appearance, exist, presence, revelation
arawareru, GEN
Left: king , right: see (= The eye is on legs when looking around)
The king sees the present appearance.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
see, look at, watch, observe
miru, SHI
Left: show/altar 示 (Sacrifice on an altar , with supports ), right: see (= The eye is on legs when looking around.)
Things on the altar are seen: they are looked at / watched.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
observe, perusal (=check a document), exhibition, watch
Top: retainer (watchful eye), horizontal person , one , bottom: to see, watch (= The eye is on legs when looking around)
(A peeping Tom (voyeur) is observing a bed scene:) His watchful eyes see a lying person and a second one underneath with his eyes when he is observing carefully.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
tolerant, generous, magnanimous, relax
kutsurogu, KAN
From top: house , plant , see/look (= The eye is on legs when looking around.)
(A green roof where insects and perhaps bees may settle?) A roof made of plants is seen as: tolerant and generous.  

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