The Japanese Radical: 西

west    西

Explanation The upper stroke 一 can be seen as the horizon, with variations of sun 日 and two legs 儿, which stand for a downward motion: Below the horizon sinks the sun (at sunset) in the west.

Used in these characters:
JLPT 5Joyo 2
nishi, SEI, SAI
This sign has some similarities with sun 日 combined with two strokes 儿, directing downwards. The upper line 一 is the horizon.
Below the horizon the sun sinks at sunset in the west.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
vote, ballot
Top: west 西 (Sunset of the sun 日 under the horizon 一 in the west), below: to show 示/礻 (image of an altar 丁 with sth. 一 on that is shown.)
In the west you show your vote in a ballot/poll.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
sign, signpost, mark, symbol
shirushi, HYŌ
Left: tree 木, right: vote 票 (In the west 西 you show 示 at a vote.) [標木 = ひょうぼく = marking pole]
The tree 木 in the west 覀 shows 示 as a signpost.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
need, necessity, essence, point, pivot
kaname, iru,
Top: west 西 (Sunset of the sun 日 under the horizon 一 in the west), below: woman 女. (Here: 西 as a handbag with big handle)
A handbag is for a woman: a need.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
value, price
atai, KA
Left: person 人, right: west 西 (sunset under the horizon 一 of the sun 日 in the west)
The person from the west knows his value.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
kemuri, kemui/tai, EN
Left: fire 火, right: west 西 (Sunset of the sun 日 under the horizon 一 in the west.), earth 土
(Westerly winds are commonly frequent.) A fire from the west of the earth brings us the: smoke.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
transition, shift, move, transfer, change
utsuru, SEN
Left: movement 辶, right: west 西, big 大, I/myself 己
A movement in the west by the "Big Self" (= western egoism), means a real transition.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
hegemony, domination, leadership, supremacy, champion
Top: west 西 (Sunset of the sun 日 under the horizon 一 in the west), bottom: leather 革 (The horned 廿 animal has a skin 囗 of leather), month 月
In the west, they make (as much) leather within a month to get leadership as hegemon.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
float (on the water), drift, waft
tadayou, HYŌ
Left: water 氵, right: vote 票 (In the west 西 you show 示 at a vote.)
Water 'voted' to let things float.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
overturning (vehicle), capsize (boat), shade, mantle, cover
kutsugaeru/su, ōu, FUKU
Top: west 西, bottom: repeat/again 復 (= to go 彳 with a reverse 复) [reverse 复 = Who first lies on a tatami mat 日 and then sits cross-legged 夂, has reversed.]
In the west it repeats (the experience) that everything can overturn or capsize.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
hip, lower back, loins
Left: part of body 月/肉, right: necessity 要 (Hand bags 覀 are for women 女 a necessity.)
(Asian women have less 'butt') A body part of western 西 women are the hips.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
fear, horrified, shudder
Left: feeling 忄, right: west 西 (Sunset of the sun 日 under the horizon 一 in the west), tree 木
(It gets dark quickly in the forest:) The feelings at sunset in the trees were: Fear and terror.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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