The Japanese Radical: 義

righteousness    義


Used in these characters:
JLPT 3Joyo 4
discussion, consultation, consideration, deliberation
Left: word 言, right: morality, justice 義 (If the sheep 羊 is killed by me 我 - is this justice?) [I, me 我 = with my hand 手 at the halberd 戈]
Words of morality are part of a discussion.  
JLPT 1Joyo 5
justice, morality, righteousness
Top: sheep 羊 (The horned 丷 animal with a backbone 丨 and laterally protruding due to thick wool 三 is the: sheep), bottom: I, self 我 (with my hand 手 at the halberd 戈)
If the sheep is killed by a hand with a halberd, is that justice?  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
ceremony, case, affair
Left: person 人, right: morality, justice 義 (Ìf the sheep 羊 is killed by a hand 手 with a halberd 戈, is that justice?) [I, me 我 = with my hand 手 at the halberd 戈]
A person with morality respects the ceremonies.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
sacrifice, scapegoat
Left: cow 牛, right: morality, justice 義 (If the sheep 羊 is killed by a hand 手 with a halberd 戈, is that justice?)
Cows 牛 and sheep 羊 turn by me 我 (= the hand 手 at a halberd 戈) into: sacrifices.  

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