Meaning |
barbed lance 矛
Explanation |
The radical munohoko shows a barbed lance. Do not mistake with prior/beforehand 予. Other radicals with weapons are: 戈 殳 斤
Used in these characters:
JLPT 2Joyo 5 |
| duty, work, play your part
tsutomeru, MU
Left: spear 矛 (developed from the image of a barbed lance [not to be mistaken with 'beforehand': 予]), right: hit/strike 攵 (hand 又 with a stick ノ), strength/force 力
The spear hits with force: That's its duty.
JLPT 2Joyo 7 |
| tender, gentle, soft, mild, weak
yawarakai, JŪ, NYŪ
Spear 矛 (developed from the image of a barbed lance) positioned in the top of a tree 木, where the wood is still weak.
A spear made out the top of a tree is tender and weak.
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| halberd, lance
hoko, MU, BŌ
From a pictograph of a barbed lance.
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| mist, fog
Top: rain 雨, below: duty/work 務 (a lance 矛, needs to be hit 攵 with strength 力, that's its duty)
Rain did its duty, and now we have fog.
Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning. |  |
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List of the characters |
List of the radicals