The Japanese Radical: 県

prefecture    県


Used in these characters:
JLPT 4Joyo 3
From top: eye 目, corner ∟ & small 小
The eye sees in the corner (of a map) a small prefecture.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
attach, hang, suspend
kakaru/keru, KEN, KE
Top: prefecture 県 (The eye 目 sees in the corner ∟ [of a map] a small 小 prefecture) and system 系 (A stroke ノ as the thread 糸 of the lineage.), bottom: heart 心
The prefectural system is what, the hearts are attached to.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
fill in, to insert, be inserted
hamaru, hameru, TEN
Left: earth 土, right: sitting person 匕, var. of prefecture 県 (The eye 目 sees in the corner ∟ (of a map) a small 小 prefecture)
As for the earth, there is a person from the prefecture who will fill it up.  

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