Meaning |
hundred 百
Explanation |
Tilt your head to the right and read a "1" with two zeros 日 = 100.
Used in these characters:
JLPT 5Joyo 1 |
| hundred
One 一 stroke and white 白, developed from the thumbnail, that stood in gesture language for 100, Easier to remember:
Tilt your head to the right and you will see a 'one' with two zeros = 100.
JLPT 3Joyo 3 |
| lodge, accommodation, sheltering
yado, yadoru, SHUKU
Top: roof 宀, below: person 亻(variation of 人) and: one hundred 百 (The number 100 read from top downwards.)
A 'roof' hosting people in hundreds is a lodge.
JLPT 1Joyo 6 |
| shrink, reduce, shorten
chijimu/meru, SHUKU
Left: thread 糸, right: accommodation/lodge 宿 (Below a roof 宀 with persons 人 in hundreds 百)
(The laundry was washed too hot:) The threads in the lodge have been shrunk.
Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning. | |
At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link. |
List of the characters |
List of the radicals