Meaning |
compare 比
Explanation |
Used in these characters:
JLPT 3Joyo 3 |
| floor, story/storey, grade
Left: a hill 阝, right: every 皆 (I compare 比 [= two sitting persons 匕匕], but the rays ノ of the sun 日 make it white 白: all & everything!)
(If buildings are built on a steep slope, they have e.g. 1 floor on the hillside and 2 floors on the downhill side) At a hill they all have floors.
JLPT 2Joyo 5 |
| mix, stir, confusion, include
majiru, KON
Left: water 氵, right: insect 昆 (image originally carapace 日 and legs 比; from this by misreading: sun 日, compare 比)
(In the past there was no clean water?) Water and insects are mixed.
JLPT 2Joyo 5 |
| compare, ratio, contrast
kuraberu, HI
Sitting persons 匕匕
There are two people sitting: compare them.
JLPT 2Joyo 6 |
| criticize
Left: hand 扌, right: to compare 比 (Two sitting persons 匕 who are compared.)
The hand that compares, is criticizing.
JLPT 1Joyo 6 |
| highness, majesty, throne
Left: hill 阝, right: compare 比 (Two sitting persons 匕, who are compared) and: earth 土
Like a hill compared to the earth is his highness on the throne.
JLPT 2Joyo 7 |
| everything, all, everyone
min(n)a, KAI
Top: compare 比 (Two sitting persons 匕 are compared.), below: white 白 (ray ノ of the sun 日)
(Blinded by the bright sun) I compare but the rays of the sun make it white: everything and everyone!
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| descendants, insect, multitude
Actually the pictograph of an insect (top: carapace 日, below: legs 比 [=comparison of two sitting 匕 persons])
The sun over the two sitting persons 比, the: descendants.
JLPT -Joyo 7 |
| Kaisho-writing style
Left: tree 木, right: every/each 皆 (I compare 比, but the rays ノ of the sun 日 make it white 白: all & everything!) - (The Kaisho is a block-writing style, where every stroke is separate.)
Like single trees are all (strokes) of the Kaisho writing style.
JLPT -Joyo 7 |
| harmony, calm, joke, jest
Left: word 言, right: all/everyone 皆 (I compare 比, but the rays ノ of the sun 日 make it white 白: all & everything!)
Words for all of us are: jokes in harmony.
Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning. |  |
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