The Japanese Radical: 旧

past, old days    旧

Explanation One 一 day 日 has passed.

Used in these characters:
JLPT 2Joyo 5
past, old times, former old ...
Left: var. of one 丨, right: day 日
One day has passed, which means 'old times'.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
child, kid, newbown baby
ko, JI, NI
Top: old/past 旧 (One 一 day 日 has passed.), bottom: legs 儿
Old legs and still a child.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
fall into, entrap, pitfall, subsidence
ochiiru, KAN
Left: hill 阝, right: crooked person, past times 旧 (One 丨 day 日 has passed) - developed from 陷, which comprises a pitfall 臼
By the hill is a tumbling ⺈ person falling into the mortar-臼-like pitfall.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
rice plant
ine, ina,
Left: rice plant 禾, right: hand reaching down/harvesting 爫, past, old times 旧 (one 一 day 日 has passed.)
Rice plants plucked by hand, these were in old days: the rice plants!  

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