The Japanese Radical: 旦

sun rise    旦


Used in these characters:
JLPT 4Joyo 1
early, fast
Sunrise 旦 (= The sun 日 above the horizon 一) with a marking 丶
When the (rising) sun is at the marked spot 丶 at the horizon, it is still early.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
Left: earth 土, right: sunrise 旦 / 易 (Sun 日 over the horizon 一 with sun rays 勿)
The earth at the sunrise with warming rays: This is my place.  
JLPT 3Joyo 1
Top: a plant 艹, bottom: early/fast 早 (When the [rising 旦] sun 日 is at the marked spot 丶 at the horizon 一, it is still early.)
The plant, that grows fast, is grass.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
noon, daytime
hiru, CHŪ
Top: measure of length 尺 (from the body 口 one foot 八 forward = 1 Shaku = 30.3 cm), below: sunrise 旦 (sun 日 over the horizon 一)
It is measured in Shaku when the sun is vertically above the horizon: Then it is noon.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
asa, CHŌ
Left: sunrise (The sun 日 rises between plants 艹), right: moon 月
At sunrise, the moon is still there: It is morning.  
JLPT 3Joyo 3
badge, medal, chapter, emblem
Top: to rise/stand 立, below: fast/early 早 (When the (rising 旦) sun 日 is at the marked spot 丶 at the horizon 一, it is still early.)
Get up early to get a medal.  
JLPT 3Joyo 3
hot water, bath
Left: water 氵, right: sunrise 旦 (= sun 日 above horizon 一) together with sunrays 勿) as: warming sun (cf. 易)
Water with warming sunrays changes into: hot water.  
JLPT 3Joyo 3
sunlight, positive, male = yang
Left: hill 阝, right: sunrise 旦/易 (sun 日 over horizon 一), rays 勿
At the hill the rising sun shows its rays: Sunlight is positive.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
intestines, bowels
harawata, CHŌ
Left: body part 月/肉, right: Warm temperature with sunrise 旦/易 (sun 日, horizon 一, rays 勿)
(The intestines of freshly hunted animal/game are warm.) The body's part that emits warmth are the intestines.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
amount, weight, measure, quantity
hakaru, RYŌ
Top: sunrise 旦 (sun 日 over the horizon 一), bottom: village 里 (Both fields 田 and earth 土 belong to the village.)
From sunrise onwards, you do (the work) in the village, of which there is a big amount.  
JLPT 1Joyo 5
tree trunk, main (part)
miki, KAN
Left: sunrise (The sun 日 rises between plants 艹.), right: person 人 and: dry 干 (image of drying stand/rack)
At rising sun a person is drying the trunk of a tree.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
gain, get, acquire, benefit
eru, uru, TOKU
Left: go 彳, right: sunrise 旦 (sun 日 above the horizon 一), skillful hand 寸 [opposite: 損]
Go at sunrise with your skillful hand and make profit.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
wound, injury, hurt, pain
kizu, itami/mu/meru, SHŌ
Left: person 亻, right: horizontal person, sunrise 旦/ 易 (sun 日 above horizon 一 with sunrays 勿)
The upright 亻 turns into a lying person at the sunrise because he wounded painfully.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
announcement, promulgate, state
Roof 宀 and 亘 (sun ray 一 and sunrise 旦 (sun 日 above horizon 一)
(At sunrise, the rays hit highest places first:) At the roof 宀, with a first sun ray 一 the sunrise 旦 is announced.  
JLPT 2Joyo 6
carry, bear, shouldering
katsugu, ninau, TAN
Left: hand 扌, right: sunrise 旦 (sun 日 above the horizon 一)
The hand should already at sunrise carry the burden.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
barrier, fence, hedge
Left: earth 土, right: range, extent 亘 (= from sunrise 旦 [= the sun 日 above the horizon 一] to sunset [= under the horizon])
The earth is divided into ranges/extents by barriers =fences.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
dawn, daybreak
akatsuki, GYŌ
Left: sun 日, right: simplified forest 森, one 一 (= horizon) and legs 儿 (cf. 焼)
If the sun comes through the forest (above the horizon) it is walking towards dawn. (before sun rise 旦)  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
constant, always, permanent
Left: feeling 忄, right: span/range 亘 (= from sunrise 旦 [= the sun 日 above the horizon 一] to sunset [= under the horizon])
My feelings from sunrise to sunset are constant.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
rise up, raising, ascent, promote
noboru, SHŌ
Top: sunrise 旦 (sun above horizon 一), bottom: measure of volume 升 (three upward directed strokes ノ亅丨
Like a sunrise 旦 is this slope ノ directing upwards: An ascent.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
but, however
tadashi, TAN
Left: person 人, right: sunrise 旦 (sun 日 over the horizon 一)
A person watches the sunrise, but ...  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
gall, courage
kimo, TAN
Left: body part 月/肉, right: sunrise 旦 (sun 日 above the horizon 一)
([Medically not fully correct, but:] Gallstones can cause nausea after eating or in the morning:) The body part you feel (already) at sunrise is: the gall.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
stage, podium, rostrum
Left: earth 土, right: var. of high 高 (image of a watch tower) and: sunrise 旦 (sun 日 above the horizon 一)
On the ground, where you rotate 回 (= dance) under a cover 亠 and with a staircase 旦 is the stage.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
elevate, raise, hoist, uplift, praise, extol
Left: hand 扌, right: sunrise 旦/易(sun 日 above horizon 一, rays 勿)
The hand imitates the sunrise with its rays, when doing the upward movement of: elevating.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
provision, food
kate, RYŌ, RŌ
Left: rice 米, right: measure/weight 量 (At sunrise 旦 [= sun 日 above horizon 一] the village 里 is measured.)
Rice until the sunrise for the whole village: That's our provision.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
daybreak, dawn, morning
Top: sun 日, bottom: a horizontal line 一 as the horizon
When the sun appears above the horizon it is: daybreak.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
dark, ambiguous, unclear, dubious
Left: sun/day 日, right: not yet/ immature 未 (The upper branch of the tree 木 is still shorter =immature.)
The day is still immature: It is dark and ambiguous.  

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