The Japanese Radical: 开

open    开

Explanation Image of a toori 开, the entrance gate of a Shinto shrine with a double traverse beam. This always open gate stands for: “open”.

Used in these characters:
JLPT 3Joyo 2
shape, pattern
katachi, kata, KEI, GYŌ
Left: open 开 (image of a toori, the entrance gate of a Shintō-shrine, cf. open 開), right: hair 彡
Open hair and you are in a good shape.  
JLPT 4Joyo 3
hiraku, akeru, KAI
Outside: gate 門, inside: image of a toori 开, which is the entrance gate 鳥居 =とりい of a Shintō-shrine - both are symbols for being open
A "toori"-gate is (always) open.  
JLPT 4Joyo 3
research, polish, grind, sharpen
togu, KEN
Left: stone 石 (Below the cliff 厂 are stones 口), right: open, start 开 (entrance gate of a Shintō-shrine cf. 開)
(Only polished gems show their beauty:) A stone "opens", if it is grinded for being researched.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
model, form, pattern, mold, type, shape
kata, KEI
Top: punishment 刑 (who openly 开 uses a knife刂 is punished), below: earth 土
With an open knife and earth (=clay) a model is formed.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
punishment, penalty
Left: open 开 (image of a toori, the entrance gate of a Shintō-shrine), right: knife 刂
Who openly uses his knife must be punished.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
bottle, jug, jar
kame, BIN
Left: unite 并 (When coming out 丷 of a Buddhist temple gate 开 you shall be united), right: roof tile 瓦 (image of interhooked tiles)
You can "unite", with this clay (as used for roof tiles), when making: bottles and jugs.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
unite, join, merge
awaseru, HEI
Left: person 人, right: unite 并 (When coming out 丷 of a the gate 开 (=toori) of a shinto-shrine you shall be united)
Persons who are united are united/merged.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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