The Japanese Radical: 帝

emperor    帝

Explanation Stand up 立 and cover 冖 with cloth 巾, the emperor 帝 comes. Sometimes it is mixed with "old" 古 to become the old emperor like at rival 敵.

Used in these characters:
JLPT 3Joyo 3
trade, business, sell
akinau, SHŌ
Var. of emperor 帝 with long coat 冂 and mouth 口. Better to consider a vendor behind a sales desk 冂 with some goods 口 (cf. to sell 売)
A vendor at the sales desk with goods 口 means: trade.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
suitable, fit, agree
Left: movement 辶, right: old emperor (combination of emperor 帝 and old 古)
The old emperor moves suitable and fitting.  
JLPT 1Joyo 5
enemy, rival, opponent
kataki, TEKI
Left: old emperor (var. of emperor 帝 and old 古), right: strike 攵 (hand 又 with a stick ノ)
The old emperor strikes his enemies.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
heir, legitimate birth
Left: woman 女, right: old emperor (mélange of emperor 帝 and old 古)
The woman bore the old emperor a heir.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
From top: stand 立, cover 冖, cloth 巾
Stand up and cover yourself with cloth, the emperor is coming.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
bind, tighten, tie, lock, fasten
shimaru/meru, TEI
Left: thread 糸, right: emperor 帝 (Stand 立 up and cover 冖 with cloth 巾, the emperor comes.)
A thread connects you to the emperor as a binding.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
pluck, pick, pinch, extract
tsumu, tsumamu, TEKI
Left: hand 扌, right: old emperor (mix of emperor 帝 and old 古)
The hand of the old emperor is plucking sth.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
drop, drip
shizuku, shitataru, TEKI
Left: water 氵, right: old emperor (mix of emperor 帝 and old 古)
(Due to problems with the prostate gland?) Passing 'water', can be done by old emperor only drop by drop.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
bystander, side, besides, vicinity, third person
Left: person 人, right: var.of emperor 帝, below: side 方
The person at the emperor's side is a bystander.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
resign, abandon, give up
akirameru, TEI
Left: word 言, right: emperor 帝 (Stand up 立 and cover 冖 with cloth 巾, because he comes: the emperor!)
(An emperor did not speak to the people - Exception: surrender declaration of 15.8.1945 with the renunciation of the throne) The words from the emperor are a resignation.  

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