The Japanese Radical: 右

right    右

Explanation A hand ナ or and a mouth 口 in the sense that you eat with your right hand.

Used in these characters:
JLPT 5Joyo 1
right hand side
migi, U, YŪ
Left: hand ナ/ヨ (Shows a hand ナ with the forearm at the right and three fingers to the left.), right: mouth 口
The hand for the mouth (= you eat with) is the: right.  
JLPT 2Joyo 6
young, inexperienced, if
wakai, moshi, JAKU
Top: plant 艹, bottom: right 右 (This hand ナ/ feeds the mouth 口.) For the mnemonic think to the character "hard 固": Things 囗 (like: herbs, vegetables, meat) with age 古 get hard 固 - Here however we have the opposite:
The plant 艹 that is put by hand ナ into the mouth 口 is: young.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
consent, agree, assent
Left: word 言, right: young 若 (The plant 艹 that is taken by hand into the mouth 口 is young) [.. because old 古 things 囗 are too hard 固 for me]
(The youth is our future:) To the words of the youth can be agreed.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
conceal, hide, shelter
Outside: box 匚, inside: young 若 (The plant 艹 that is taken by hand into the mouth 口 is young) [.. because old 古 things 囗 are too hard 固 for me]
In the box a 'young' is concealing.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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