The Japanese Radical: 区

section, district, ward    区


Used in these characters:
JLPT 4Joyo 3
section, district, ward
Enclosure 匚 with a marking: 㐅
An enclosure with an 㐅 stands for an urban district [with a street crossing]  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
Europe, EU-..
Left: district/ward 区, right: lack 欠 (The mouth wide open of the yawning ⺈ person 人 is lacking sth.)
Consider the map: Europe 㐅 has a determining coastal line 匚 in all directions, which however lacks 欠 in the east. This defines: Europe.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
beat, hit, strike
naguru, Ō
Left: district/ward 区, right top: weapon 几 (battle axe), below: hand 又
In this district they have a weapon in the hand, because they want to beat/strike.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
gallop, run, canter
kakeru, karu, KU
Left: horse 馬 (image with a mane 三 in the wind, four legs 灬 and the tail フ), right: district/ward 区 (= marked box)
The horse from the marked box is special in galloping.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
pivot, hinge, door
Left: tree 木, right: district/ward 区 (Here: image of a bearing seat 匚 with a pivot point 㐅 cut into a stone)
A tree that is rotatable in its bearing's seat make a pivot.  

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