The Japanese Radical: 分

minute    分


Used in these characters:
JLPT 5Joyo 2
share, portion, divide, minute, understand
wakaru, BUN, FUN, BU
Top: eight 八, below: sword 刀 (Alternatively: See the 'eight 八' as one object 一 shattered by the sword into parts.)
Eight swords to divide the time into minutes and to understand.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
flour, powder
kona, ko, FUN
Left: Rice 米, right: divide 分 (with eight 八 swords 刀)
Rice is divided and becomes: flour.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
poor, meager, needy
mazushii, HIN, BIN
Top: to divide, share, minute 分 (... with eight 八 swords 刀), bottom: money 貝
If you only have a part of the money, you are poor.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
widow, few, slightly
From top: roof 宀, head/forehead (for person) 頁, share, divide 分 (with eight 八 swords 刀)
Under the roof according to the head(-count) [the inheritance] is divided. A little remains for the widow.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
distribute, partition, divide, disseminate
Left: to share/divide 分 (.. with eight 八 swords 刀), right: head/forehead 頁
Divide the head and distribute it.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
distract, confusion, stray, be diverted, be mistaken for, go astray
magireru/rasu/rawashii, FUN
Left: thread 糸, right: divide 分 (with eight 八 swords 刀)
Threads that were divided can easily be confused.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
atmosphere, ambience, mood
Top: rain 雨 (view out of a window 冂 with a cloud 一, that is raining =,=), below: divide 分 (.. with eight 八 swords 刀)
The rain is only a part of the atmosphere.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
tray, Bon-festival
Top: divide 分 (with eight 八 swords 刀), below: plate 皿
Divided plates (=shared = commonly used) are like a tray, specially at the Bon festival.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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