The Japanese Radical: 丸

round    丸

Explanation The 'nine' 九 with an extra dash 丶 becomes something round.

Used in these characters:
JLPT 2Joyo 5
energy, force, power
ikioi, SEI
Top left: earth 土, eight 八, earth/soil 土; right: round 丸 (sth. nine-九-sided needs an extra accent 丶 to become round.), below: force, strength 力
Eight layers of soil piled up all around with effort need a lot of energy.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
heat, temperature, fever
atsui, NETSU
Top left: earth 土, eight 八, earth 土, right: round 丸 (sth. nine-九-sided needs an extra stroke 丶 to become round.), bottom: fire 灬
Earth in eight layers around the fire: This will be a heat.  
JLPT 3Joyo 2
round, circle, ball
maru, marui, GAN
Nine 九, additional stroke 丶
A nine-sided shape needs an additional stroke to become round.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
ripen, mature, cooked
Top: receive/pleased 享 (The tall 高 child 子 has received and is pleased.), round 丸 (sth. nine-九-sided needs an extra accent 丶 to become round.), bottom: fire 灬
The tall children around the fire have ripened/matured.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
tenacious, grasp, transact, obsession, persistence
Left: happiness 幸 (Between two 丷 earths 土/干 is the happiness), right: round 丸 (Sth. nine-九-sided needs an extra stroke 丶 to become round.)
(It slips out of our hands too easily:) As happiness is round, you have to grasp it tenaciously.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
Juku, private cram school
Top left: receive, pleased 享 (the tall 高 child 子 has received and is pleased), round 丸 (sth. nine-九-sided needs an extra accent 丶 to become round.), below: earth 土
Big children around the earth need the cram school.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
seriousness, earnestly, gift
Top: tenacious, persistent 執 (As happiness 幸 is round 丸, you have to grasp it tenaciously.) [happy 幸 = Between two 丷 earths 土/干 is the happiness], bottom: hand 手
Happiness is round in your hands if you are serious and sincere.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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