The Japanese Radical: 一

one    一

Explanation Simply one stroke for "one".

Used in these characters:
JLPT 5Joyo 1
hito, ICHI, ITSU

One line: One finger  
JLPT 5Joyo 1
downwards, bottom
shita, sagaru, oriru, KA, GE

Shows the ground and a plant root underneath expressing downwards (opposite of )  
JLPT 5Joyo 1
mi, SAN

Three lines = three fingers  
JLPT 5Joyo 1
nana, SHICHI
(The number 7 is sometimes strikethrough in Europe and Latinamerica)
Like the Arabic numeral 7 upside down.  
JLPT 5Joyo 1
upper side, up
ue, kami, uwa, noboru, agaru,
Ground with a growing plant (opposite of )
From the horizontal line, a plant is directed upwards.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
natsu, KA, GE
From top: Cover (against the sun), I, myself (The emphasized eye is myself.), upturned foot (= sitting cross-legged)
Covered (= in the shade) I myself sit cross-legged, because it is summer.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
picture, painting
Rice paddy and a frame /
With a frame around the rice field it becomes: a picture or painting.  
JLPT 5Joyo 2
to come
kuru, RAI
Top: one , bottom: rice (with a long vertical stroke)
Because of one grain of rice I shall come?  
JLPT 4Joyo 3
world, generation, age
yo, SEI, SE
Left: corner ∟, right: twenty 廿 (here: a bucket)
In the corner is a bucket from another world and since generations.  
JLPT 3Joyo 3
quantifier, block of houses, even number

Originally the image of a T-shaped nail, then (possibly because of its geometrical shape): block of buildings.  
JLPT 5Joyo 2
ten thousand

Derived from a swastika (Indian religious symbol) that stands for the ten thousand divinities.  
JLPT 3Joyo 3
both, two, pair, double
Is seen as the image of a beam balance/scales
The balance weighs the two (comparatively) as a pair.  
JLPT 4Joyo 4
not, un-, dis-

Four lines are not enough.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
magnet, porcelain
Left: stone (Below the cliff are stones .), right: 2x mysterious (Here: mounting bracket with two hanging threads )
These stones, are mysterious (when hanging at threads and move), because they are: magnetic. (or porcelain)  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
besides, moreover

A pile of stones [= a stone cairn] with more stones added, thus: moreover.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
oka, KYŪ
Top: axe , bottom: bottom
An axe at the bottom of the hill.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
blessing, do a favor, enlightenment, grace, kindness
megumu, KEI, E
From top: one (here: ground), reason (The seedlingin the rice field has its reason.), heart
The ground is pierced by the first sprout in the field and thus close to my heart: as a blessing.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
mutual, interdependence
tagai, GO
Image of a spool with a cross-winding and comprises the radical: 'intertwined' (= image of intertwined threads)
Threads crossing mutually.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
measure of length, height, approx. 3m
Variant of big , which shows a big person with spread arms. Here this person makes a wide step.
With a wide step it is measured: the length of 3m.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
spear (of grain), ear(bot.), crest(wave)
ho, SUI
Left: rice plant , right: blessing, favor (The first sprout pierces the ground of the rice field and is close to my heart : as a blessing.)
The rice plant is blessed with spears of grain.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
official, government service, companion, fellow
From top: one (here: ground), bend (here: two sprouting plants || in a field ), sun
Such that the ground is broken up by 2 sprouts, the sun is needed: and a caring companion who serves like the 'government'.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
C, 3rd sign in calendar
One , inside (originally altar with sth. placed on it) [understand λ as two lines]
One outside and two λ inside makes 3.  
JLPT 2Joyo 6
line, row, rank, common, ordinary
nami, narabu/beru/bi, HEI
Originally a pictograph: twice to stand , but now merged to this character
People are standing side by side to form a line.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
handle, grip, crank, knob, pattern
gara, e, HEI
Left: tree , right: number 3: (one [Here: handle], inside [Here: simplification of gate )
Made of wood, a handle for a gate. This handle.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
give, convey, present, bestow
ataeru, YO
This character is a part of: "to copy" (It shows a photocopying machine with a cover and a paper sheet coming out of the machine)
The machine give a sheet of paper , that is given to you.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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