The Japanese Radical: 㐅

cross    㐅


Used in these characters:
JLPT 5Joyo 1
spirit, air, intention, atmosphere
Top: steam , below: a cross
The steam hovers above a cross like a spirit.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
plan, diagram
hakaru, ZU, TO

A (paper) sheet with a cross and two marks makes a plan.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
rare, scarce, desire, unusual
Top: cross-stitch , bottom: cloth (The hand checks the width of the cloth.)
A cross-stich on a cloth is rare.  
JLPT 4Joyo 3
section, district, ward
Enclosure with a marking:
An enclosure with an stands for an urban district [with a street crossing]  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
kill, murder
korosu, SATSU, SETSU
Left: 杀 (marker and tree ), right: weapon (battle axe) 几 in a hand
At the mark in the tree, he had a weapon in his hand and was killed.  
JLPT 2Joyo 6
chest, breast, bosom, heart
mune, muna, KYŌ
Left: body part /, right: 匈 (wrap and bad luck/disaster [The marked container brings bad luck])
The body's part that wraps a "void volume" is: the chest.  
JLPT 2Joyo 6

Left: part of body /, right: light , bad luck/disaster (empty container marked with a cross ) Here consider as the brain
This body part that shines from a container (= the skull) is: the brain.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
cut, trim, reap
Left: scissors , right: knife
Use scissors or knifes for cutting.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
bad luck, disaster, evil, villain/trickster
Container with a mark
The mark at the container shows that it is empty - bad luck.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
suburb, outskirt

Left: mix/exchange , right: village
Mixed with the villages is the suburb.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
strangle, wring, constrict
shiboru, shimeru,
Left: thread , right: mix/exchange (Image of a person sitting cross-legged)
When threads are mixed (i.e. in a woven fabric), then they "strangle" each others and the fabric can be wrung.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
emperor's seal
From top: small table , below: image of a seal (=enclosure , 4 encarved crosses , vertical line |), jewel
Hidden below the table is a seal, carved/cut in a jewel: The emperor's seal.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
pivot, hinge, door
Left: tree , right: district/ward (Here: image of a bearing seat with a pivot point cut into a stone)
A tree that is rotatable in its bearing's seat make a pivot.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
worry, trouble, in pain, distress
Left: feeling , right: light (here: overflowingly full), bad luck/disaster (container with a mark X, that indicates that it is empty = bad luck)
The feelings with the overflowing container of bad luck were worries.  
JLPT 1Joyo 8
Monme, weight unit 3,75g
A ladle with a mark
The ladle with the mark weighs one Monme.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
area, temple, short moment
Left: 杀 (marker/cross , tree ), right: knife
The cross on the tree was cut by a knife and marks the area of the temple.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
refreshing, clear, fresh
Big and 4 marks: (Here: placeholders for refreshments)
The big man holds under his arms four refreshments.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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