Memory phrase for the Kanji: 差


Meaning difference, distinction, discrepancy




Top: sheep 羊 with a bent leg ノ, below: craftsman, construction 工


A sheep with a bent leg and a craftsman: what a difference!


sheepPictogram of a sheep from above with horns 丷 backbone 丨 and wool 三 extending to the sides.
buildCross sectional view of a H-steel beam for building or making.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 difference, variation
差す さす  to raise (stretch out) hands, to raise umbrella
交差点 こうさてん  Crossing
時差ぼけ じさぼけ  jetlag
時差 じさ  time difference
人差し指 ひとさしゆび  index finger
誤差 ごさ  error
物差し ものさし  ruler, measure
格差 かくさ  qualitative difference, disparity

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