Memory phrase for the Kanji: 験


Meaning examine, trial




Left: horse , right: cover (here: mane of a horse with head and mouth and a person


The horse is checked at the head and the mouth (by a person in front) in an examination.


horsePicture of a running horse with the mane in the wind, four legs and the tail.
check carefullyDue to the use in “to examine ”, this radical is seen as the head of a horse (with mane and eyes ), in front of which a person stands and checks/examines the mouth .
coverOther covers are: , )
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


験す ためす  to attempt, test, to try out
試験 しけん  examination, test, study
実験室 じっけんしつ  laboratory
体験 たいけん  personal experience
受験 じゅけん  taking an examination
実験 じっけん  experiment
経験 けいけん  experience
けん  effect, efficacy

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