Memory phrase for the Kanji: 館


Meaning large building, palace, mansion




Left: eating 食 (cover on good 良 food), right: government 官 (= Under a roof 宀 with straightly connected rooms 呂)


The food from the government is served in a large building.


to eatshows a cover and good 良 (It might be helpful to see the lower two strokes as chopsticks.)
ceilingRadical: ukanmuri
buttocksPlease note the similarity with: connected rooms 呂
connected roomsThis character shows the lower tones of the octave, However in the trainer it is seen as connected rooms. See similarities to buttocks where some overlappings are in the explanation.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


大使館 たいしかん  embassy
博物館 はくぶつかん  museum
図書館 としょかん  library
美術館 びじゅつかん  art gallery, art museum
映画館 えいがかん  movie theatre (theater), cinema
旅館 りょかん  Japanese hotel, inn
領事館 りょうじかん  consulate
会館 かいかん  meeting hall, assembly hall
本館 ほんかん  main building

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