Memory phrase for the Kanji: 餅


Meaning mochi, rice cake




Left: food 食 (cover on good 良 food), right: 并 [out of 丷 [here: two pestles] - [here: 井 as a box like donburi 丼])


(This sticky rice porridge is beaten soft for hours.) The food that is pounded with pestles in a box is: mochi.


to eatshows a cover and good 良 (It might be helpful to see the lower two strokes as chopsticks.)
put together, uniteWhen you are coming out 丷 of a buddhist temple 开 you shall be united. - [开 = image of a temple's entrance gate with double upper traverses, which actually means "open 開", as these gates have no door]
way outThis component is often understood as "something coming out".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


もち  (uk) sticky rice cake

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