Memory phrase for the Kanji: 飼


Meaning domesticate, breeding, rear animals, raise




Left: food 食 (cover on good 良 food), right: govern, civil servant 司 (... where sb. is sitting in a corner⌝ throwing a sheet 一 of paper in the wastebasket 口)


You need food and "management" for animal breeding.


to eatshows a cover and good 良 (It might be helpful to see the lower two strokes as chopsticks.)
administer, governPictograph: part of a buttock and anus of a civil servant to symbolize administration.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


飼う かう  to keep, to raise, to feed
飼育 しいく  breeding, raising, rearing
飼育者 しいくしゃ  breeder

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