Memory phrase for the Kanji: 風


Meaning wind, manner, style




A sail 冂 and an insect 虫 (The additional stroke is the horizontal sail boom ノ)


The insect is blown into the sail by: the wind.


windAn an insect 虫 in a sail 冂: ... by the wind.
insectThe body 口 and the sting ム of an insect
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


お風呂 おふろ  bath
昔風 むかしふう  old fashioned
かぜ  wind, breeze, draught
暴風 ぼうふう  storm, windstorm, gale
台風 たいふう  typhoon
風船 ふうせん  balloon
扇風機 せんぷうき  (electric) fan
洋風 ようふう  western style
風呂 ふろ  bath

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