Memory phrase for the Kanji: 預


Meaning deposit, entrust, look after




Left: prior/beforehand 予 (To make a bent nail マ into a straight nail 丁 is done: prior) [Don't mistake with spear 矛], right: head/forehead 頁


(There should be money in the bank account if you want a withdrawal:) In advance you should have in your head (=to bear in mind) to make a deposit.


beforehand, priorTop: bent person マ, below: var. of block 丁. Memory phase: The bent person from this block came before.
(fore-)head, pageThe radical oogai stands for (fore-)head and is at the right side of the kanji. Also this character 首 is used for: head.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


預ける あずける  to give into custody, to entrust, to deposit
預かる あずかる  to keep in custody, to receive on deposit
預金 よきん  deposit, bank account

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