Memory phrase for the Kanji: 電


Meaning electricity




Top: rain (view out of a window with a cloud , that is raining =,=), below: 电 (rice field with an extra stroke as a lightning arrester/rod)


When it rains in the rice field, you need a lightning arrester because of the electricity. (Or: Thunder 雷 [かみなり] with an arrester )


rainView out of a window into the rain =,=. The upper line is a rain cloud.
kneeing personThe use of this radical is not uniform. It is understood as a lightning rod, hook or kneeling person.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


電卓 でんたく  electronic calculator
電気 でんき  electricity, (electric) light
電池 でんち  battery
電球 でんきゅう  light bulb
電柱 でんちゅう  telephone pole, telegraph pole, lightpole
電荷 でんか  charge, electric charge
電流 でんりゅう  electric current
電車 でんしゃ  electric train
電話 でんわ  telephone

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