Memory phrase for the Kanji: 険


Meaning steep, precipitous, severe, steeply sloping




Left: hill 阝, right: examine carefully (originally two people 兄 discussing under a roof. Better in respect to 'examine' 験: a person 人 examining the horse's 馬 mouth 口. [ are the mane and eyes 一 ])


(To avoid rockfalls:) The hill has to be examined carefully because it is steep and precipitous.


hillThe radical kozato shows a hill. 阝 and is always on the left side of a kanji. (Please note that rather similar radical oozato ⻏ is always on the right sight of the kanji and means village.)
check carefullyDue to the use in “to examine 験”, this radical is seen as the head of a horse (with mane and eyes 一), in front of which a person stands 人 and checks/examines the mouth 口.
coverOther covers are: 冖, 亠 )
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


険しい けわしい  steep place, inaccessible place
危険 きけん  danger, peril, hazard
保険 ほけん  insurance (e.g. car, health), guarantee
冒険 ぼうけん  risk, venture, adventure
健康保険証 けんこうほけんしょう  health insurance card

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