Memory phrase for the Kanji: 陸


Meaning land, shore, continent




Left: hill 阝, right: 坴 (twice earth/land 土 and legs 儿)


A "hill" where you go from land to land is a continent.


hillThe radical kozato shows a hill. 阝 and is always on the left side of a kanji. (Please note that rather similar radical oozato ⻏ is always on the right sight of the kanji and means village.)
earthground, soil
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


りく  land, shore​; six (in legal documents)
大陸 たいりく  continent
着陸 ちゃくりく  landing, alighting, touch down
上陸 じょうりく  landing, disembarkation
内陸 ないりく  inland
陸路 りくろ  land route, overland route​

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