Memory phrase for the Kanji: 長


Meaning long, senior, chief




Top: long hair (cf. mane of a horse ) in the wind, bottom: a variant of cloth


Both hair and cloths are long.


longThis radical has a similarity to horse , where the horse's long mane blows in the wind. At “long ” please think to long clothing blowing in the wind.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


村長 そんちょう  village chief
課長 かちょう  section manager
長い ながい  long
町長 ちょうちょう  town headman, governing mayor
社長 しゃちょう  company president, manager, director
長男 ちょうなん  eldest son
隊長 たいちょう  commanding officer
波長 はちょう  wavelength
年長 ねんちょう  seniority

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