Memory phrase for the Kanji: 鈍


Meaning stupid, dull, foolish, slow, blunt




Left: gold/metal 金, right: barracks/camp 屯 (On fertile soil, where growing shoots 屮 pierced the ground 一 they built a barracks.)


If you take gold into the barracks, you are stupid and dull.


gold, metalThis radical is always on the left side of a character.
kneeing personThe use of this radical is not uniform. It is understood as a lightning rod, hook or kneeling person.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


鈍い にぶい  dull (e.g. a knife), thickheaded, slow (opposite of fast), stupid
鈍い のろい  dull (e.g. a knife), thickheaded, slow (opposite of fast), stupid
鈍る にぶる  to become less capable, to grow dull, to become blunt, to weaken
鈍感 どんかん  thickheadedness, stolidity

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