Memory phrase for the Kanji: 量


Meaning amount, weight, measure, quantity




Top: sunrise (sun over the horizon ), bottom: village (Both fields and earth belong to the village.)


From sunrise onwards, you do (the work) in the village, of which there is a big amount.


sun rise
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


りょう  quantity, amount, volume, portion (of food)
量る はかる  to measure, to weigh, to survey
活量 かつりょう  chemical activity
分量 ぶんりょう  amount, quantity
微量 びりょう  minuscule amount, extremely small quantity
感無量 かんむりょう  deep feeling, inexpressible feeling
測量 そくりょう  measurement, surveying
熱量 ねつりょう  temperature
重量 じゅうりょう  (1) weight, (2) heavyweight boxer

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