Memory phrase for the Kanji: 重


Meaning heavy, important, pile up


kasaneru, omoi, -e


A vehicle 車 (A hand-cart viewed from above, with axle 丨, loading area 日 and two wheels 二) with further wheels 二


Vehicles with double wheels are for heavy (loads).


heavyA vehicle 車 with double 二 wheels is for the heavy.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


重い おもい  heavy, massive, serious, severe
重ねる かさねる  to pile up, to heap up, to add
重なる かさなる  to be piled up, lie on top of one another
体重 たいじゅう  ones body weight
貴重 きちょう  precious, valuable
一重 ひとえ  one layer (kimono), simple, single
厳重 げんじゅう  strict, rigour, severe, firm, strong, secure
重量 じゅうりょう  (1) weight, (2) heavyweight boxer
重視 じゅうし  importance, serious consideration, stress

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