Memory phrase for the Kanji: 選


Meaning choice, choose, selection


erabu, yoru


Left: movement 辶, right: 2 x self/me 己, together 共 (Put the plants 艹 on the table together)


(i.e. when dancing:) Both can do the movements each themselves or together: It's their choice.


movementThe radical shinnyuu stands for movement and thus has the same meaning as the very similar radical ennyou
I, myself
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


選ぶ えらぶ  to choose, to select
せん  selection, choice
スポ-ツ選手 すぽ-つせんしゅ  athlete, Sports - star player
選挙 せんきょ  election
拳闘選手 けんとうせんしゅ  Boxer
当選 とうせん  being elected, winning the prize
抽選 ちゅうせん  lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots)
選手 せんしゅ  player (in game), team
選択 せんたく  selection, choice

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