Memory phrase for the Kanji: 違


Meaning difference, differ




Left: movement , right: averted from the center (var. of 5 , center , 5 (upside down)= twice five averted from center


The movement five-fold away from the center makes the difference (and is admirable ).


movementThe radical shinnyuu stands for movement and thus has the same meaning as the very similar radical ennyou
avertedRadical nameshigawa From top: var. of foot/stop , center , foot/stop = feet standing around a center in all directions
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


間違える まちがえる  to err, to make a mistake
行き違い いきちがい  misunderstanding, estrangement, disagreement
違いない ちがいない  sure, for certain, no mistaking it
勘違い かんちがい  misunderstanding, wrong guess
相違 そうい  difference, discrepancy, variation
違い ちがい  difference, discrepancy
違う ちがう  to differ (from)
違える ちがえる  to change
違反 いはん  violation (of law), transgression, infringement, breach

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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