Memory phrase for the Kanji: 週


Meaning week




Left: movement 辶, right: around, circumference 周 (Also an enclosed 冂 luck 吉 affects the surrounding.) [吉 = A samurai 士 with a full mouth 口 is happy 吉]


The movement takes a round of a week.


movementThe radical shinnyuu stands for movement and thus has the same meaning as the very similar radical ennyou
good luckSamurai 士, below: Mouth 口 (This radical is a simplification of 喜, where the samurai 士 has a bean 豆 in his mouth 口 and is happy).
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


今週 こんしゅう  this week
来週 らいしゅう  next week
週末 しゅうまつ  weekend
再来週 さらいしゅう  week after next
週間 しゅうかん  week, weekly
先週 せんしゅう  last week, the week before
先々週 せんせんしゅう  week before last week
毎週 まいしゅう  every week
隔週 かくしゅう  every other week

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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