Memory phrase for the Kanji: 農


Meaning farming



Top: bend/melody (but here: field with two sprouts | | =fructuous), bottom: dragon (but here: to plow = At the field corner a first line is plowed by the farmer 农 [Chinese only: 农=nóng= farmer])


Fructuous fields that were plowed, are found in: farming.


to bend
plowActually 7 - 9 a.m., and above it assigned to the zodiac sign: Dragon. Here pragmatically understood as "plow". At the field corner a first line is plowed by the farmer 农 [农= Chinese for farmer].
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


農地 のうち  agricultural land
農場 のうじょう  farm (agriculture)
農家 のうか  farmer, farm family
農村 のうそん  agricultural community, farm village
農業 のうぎょう  agriculture
農民 のうみん  farmers, peasants
農産物 のうさんぶつ  agricultural produce
農耕 のうこう  farming, agriculture
農薬 のうやく  agricultural chemicals

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