Memory phrase for the Kanji: 軽


Meaning easy, light, flippant




Left: a vehicle (A hand-cart seen from above with axle , loading area and two wheels ), right: vertical (A hand is vertically above ground )


Pulling a vehicle by hand over the flat earth (=aligned to the vertical) is easy.


vehicleA hand-cart viewed from top: axle , loading area , two wheels .
verticalThis radical comprises the ground/earth and above a hand , to show "vertical". (For vertical itself this kanji 縦 [たて] is used.)
handSeveral characters are used for hand: , , , ヨ
earthground, soil
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


軽い かるい  light, non-serious, minor
軽食 けいしょく  light meal
手軽 てがる  easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheap
気軽 きがる  cheerful, buoyant, lighthearted
軽快 けいかい  rhythmical (e.g. melody), light, nimble
軽減 けいげん  abatement
軽率 けいそつ  rash, thoughtless, careless, hasty
軽蔑 けいべつ  scorn, disdain

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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