Memory phrase for the Kanji: 軍


Meaning military, troops




Top: cover 冖 (here: camouflage), bottom: vehicle 車 (A hand-cart seen from above with axle 丨, loading area 日 and two wheels 二)


Camouflaged vehicles belong to the military.


coverThe radical wakanmuri is seen as a cover, but sometimes also considered to be a table. (Other covers are: , 亠 )
vehicleA hand-cart seen from the top, with axle 丨, loading area 日 and two wheels 二.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


ぐん  army, force, troops
将軍 しょうぐん  shogun
軍隊 ぐんたい  army, troops
軍事 ぐんじ  military affairs
軍備 ぐんび  armaments, military preparations
軍服 ぐんぷく  military or naval uniform
軍艦 ぐんかん  warship, battleship
軍扇 ぐんせん  commander's war fan

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