Memory phrase for the Kanji: 賞
賞 |
| reward, prize, praise
Pronunciation |
Explanation |
Top: furthermore, respect 尚 (A small 小 house 宀 with window 口 is furthermore also respected. HERE: 尚 image of the hand's palm with three fingers. cf. 掌), below: money 貝 Or: A member 員 with a crown |
The crown is given to the member 員 as a reward. Or: In his hand's palm, he got the money as reward.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
入賞 |
にゅうしょう |
winning a prize or place (in a contest) |
懸賞 |
けんしょう |
offering prizes, winning, reward |
賞品 |
しょうひん |
prize, trophy |
賞金 |
しょうきん |
prize, monetary award |
鑑賞 |
かんしょう |
appreciation |
賞味期限 |
しょうみ・きげん |
best-before date (on food) |