Memory phrase for the Kanji: 賃


Meaning wages, fee, charge, fare




Top: duty 任 (... is for persons 人 a burden 壬) [burden 壬 = spindle on which a thread is wound up], below: money 貝


(For companies) Compulsory money is for: wages and fees.


moneyShows a cowries-shell, which were used as money.
samurai with hat
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


賃貸 ちんたい  lease, rent, hire
家賃 やちん  rent
店賃 たなちん  house rent
賃貸人 ちんたいにん  lessor, landlord
賃金 ちんぎん  wages
運賃 うんちん  freight rates, shipping expenses, fare

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