Memory phrase for the Kanji: 費


Meaning expense, spend, consume, cost




Top: dollar 弗 (but here: flow heater with boiler coil and pipes || streaming through) (cf. to boil 沸), bottom: money


A flow heater costs money and is thus: an expense.


bowPictograph: bow without string.
moneyshell a cowries-shell (used as money)
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


費やす ついやす  to spend, to devote, to waste
費用 ひよう  cost, expense
燃料費 ねんりょうひ  fuel expenses, cost of fuel
光熱費 こうねつひ  cost of fuel and light
出費 しゅっぴ  expenses, disbursements
実費 じっぴ  actual expense, cost price
浪費 ろうひ  waste, extravagance
消費 しょうひ  consumption, expenditure
経費 けいひ  expenses, cost, outlay

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