Memory phrase for the Kanji: 論


Meaning debate, argument, opinion, discourse




Left: word 言 (sound waves out of a mouth 口), right: (Chinese only) line up 侖 (lid on a bundle of bamboo writing tablets 冊)


Words are well lined-up in a debate.


word, speechSound waves above the opened mouth 口 symbolize the spoken word.
line up
bamboo tablets
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


陰謀論 いんぼうろん  conspiracy theory
結論 けつろん  conclusion
概論 がいろん  intro, outline, general remarks
議論 ぎろん  argument, discussion, dispute
論議 ろんぎ  discussion
論理 ろんり  logic
論文 ろんぶん  thesis, essay, treatise, paper
論争 ろんそう  controversy, dispute
論ずる ろんずる  to argue, to discuss, to debate

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