Memory phrase for the Kanji: 試


Meaning test, try, experiment, attempt


kokoromiru, tamesu


Left: word (sound waves out of a mouth ), right: ceremony (The craftsman makes a sabre for ceremony.)


The words for the ceremony need to be tested.


word, speechSound waves above the opened mouth symbolize the spoken word.
buildCross sectional view of a H-steel beam for building or making.
sabreThe radical shikigamae stands for a sabre. It is similar to kanohoko , which stands for a halberd.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


試みる こころみる  to try, to test
試み こころみ  trial, experiment
試す ためす  to attempt, to test
試験 しけん  examination, test, study
試合 しあい  match, game, bout, contest
試し ためし  trial, test

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