Memory phrase for the Kanji: 記


Meaning report, record, account, chronicle




Left: word (sound waves out of a mouth ), right: self (Following the winding path I find myself.)


The words themselves make the report/record.


word, speechSound waves above the opened mouth symbolize the spoken word.
I, myself
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


暗記 あんき  memorization, learning by heart
記す しるす  to note, to write down
伝記 でんき  biography, life story
日記 にっき  diary, journal
記録 きろく  record, minutes, document
記述 きじゅつ  describing, descriptor
記載 きさい  mention, entry
記者 きしゃ  reporter
記憶 きおく  memory, recollection, remembrance

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