Memory phrase for the Kanji: 観
観 |
| observe, appearance, view, the look
Pronunciation |
Explanation |
Left: The bird 隹 with a bird's comb and cover ( and 一) is understood as a proud cock/rooster; right: see/watch 見 (= The eye 目 is on legs 儿 when looking around) |
The proud cock sees, that he is observed because of his appearance.
person who lies | (Further radicals with „person“ are: sitting 匕, sitting cross-legged 夂, kneeling ⺈, skilled 才, bending マ,卩, slumped 㔾 or husband 夫) |
bird | Two symbols are equally used for bird, namely 鳥 and 隹. |
to see | The wandering eye 目 on legs 儿 means to see. |
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
観光 |
かんこう |
sightseeing |
悲観 |
ひかん |
pessimism, disappointment |
主観 |
しゅかん |
subjectivity, subject, ego |
外観 |
がいかん |
appearance, exterior, facade |
客観 |
きゃっかん |
objective |
楽観 |
らっかん |
optimism |
観客 |
かんきゃく |
audience, spectator(s) |
観察 |
かんさつ |
observation, survey |
観測 |
かんそく |
observation |