Memory phrase for the Kanji: 製


Meaning manufacture




Top: system 制 (A cow 牛 wrapped in cloth 巾 with a knife刂: what an organization!), below: clothes 衣


A system for clothes' manufacturing.


cowShows the head キ of a cow with only one horn ノ.
cutVariation of sword 刀
clothingThe radical koromo 衣 is also used in a simplified form as 巾.
cloth, width巾 [はば] means width. The trainer also understands it as: "cloth".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


製品 せいひん  manufactured goods, finished goods
作製 さくせい  manufacture
製作 せいさく  manufacture, production
製法 せいほう  manufacturing method, recipe, formula
製造 せいぞう  manufacture, production
製鉄 せいてつ  iron manufacture

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