Memory phrase for the Kanji: 衛


Meaning guard, protection, defend




Outside: to go 行, inside: averted from the center 韋 (var. of 5 五, center 口, 5 五 (upside down)= twice five averted from center


Walking fivefold around the center: the guard.


to goRadical gyougamae is often used in its half shape: 彳 gyounin.
avertedRadical nameshigawa From top: var. of foot/stop 止, center 口, foot/stop 止 = feet standing around a center in all directions
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


守衛 しゅえい  security guard, doorkeeper
自衛 じえい  self-defense
衛星 えいせい  satellite
護衛 ごえい  guard, convoy, escort
防衛 ぼうえい  defense, protection, self-defense

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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