Memory phrase for the Kanji: 術


Meaning art, technique, means




Outside: to go 行, in the middle: 术 (tree 木 with a mark 丶)


Going around the marked tree requires an artful technique.


to goRadical gyougamae is often used in its half shape: 彳 gyounin.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


じゅつ  art, means, technique
美術館 びじゅつかん  art gallery, art museum
仁術 じんじゅつ  philanthropy benevolent act
学術 がくじゅつ  science, learning, scholarship
戦術 せんじゅつ  tactics
手術 しゅじゅつ  surgical operation
技術 ぎじゅつ  art, technique, technology, skill
美術 びじゅつ  art, fine arts
芸術 げいじゅつ  (fine) art, the arts

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